Vital Sounding Festival 2019
DADI 大地书房, Block B, 15th Floor, E2, N0. 151 Kehuabei Road, Zongnanyuan, Wuhou District, Chengdu, China
Vital Sounding Festival is an art event, which is about vitality of art in Chengdu at present. It’s also a sociality- listening event to the public. The festival concerns experimental sound and video, the human body as media of listening, the relation between sound and time, sound and urban environment. It also concern essential and fluid, present and individual, existent and transient. We invited 13 artists and musicians from China and Abroad. The festival contains performance, exhibition and artist talk. There will be a concert and a closing performance. The art pieces include sound pieces (field recording), a sound installation and moving images. According to the relation between the sound and space, the pieces will be played with two specific forms: “Field On The Air” and headphones. There will be 3 sessions of sharing in an afternoon. This year, we will dissolve the festival in Dadi, a book store on the rooftop of an old residential building. The spaces will be permeated with all the sound pieces and videos.
2019年VITAL实验媒体艺术节是一场关于充满生命力、及正在发声于成都当下的艺术事件。也是一次面向公众的社会 性聆听事件。它关注于实验性的声音与影像以及作为聆听的 身体,声音与时间、与城市公共环境的关系。它关注本质的 与流动的,“田野”的与你我她的,存在的与转瞬即逝的。我们一共邀请到13组国内外艺术家与乐手参与。艺术节包 含表演、展览、分享会三个部分。表演为一场音乐会与一个 闭幕演出。展览作品包括声音作品(田野录音)、声音装置 及影像。我们将根据声音作品与空间的具体关联,通过“田 野广播”与全封闭式耳机两种形式进行播放。三场分享会将 在一个下午进行。今年,我们将整个艺术节溶入位于老住宅 区楼顶的大地书房内部与外部空间,而这些声音与影像作品 将渗透在室内与顶楼户外的各个角落。